Last week, on 20 April 2023, the Royal Institute Elcano hosted a hybrid private conference in Madrid on the topic of the European Union’s Data Strategy.
The event organised on behalf of the PromethEUs network, set the discussion on the strategy, which the think tanks analysed as a three-pronged issue – economic, regulatory and policy -, as well as geopolitical aspects, with specific applications in key important industries such as healthcare.
The think tanks’ representatives were also joined in the discussion by representatives from the institutions. The Spanish government participated in the person of Alberto Palomo, Spanish Chief Data Officer, and José Luis Bezares, State Secretariat for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence.
During the event, which was held under Chatham House Rule, the think tanks’ representatives, through a policy analysis, touched upon the following topics: The Data Governance Act, the Data Act, the Open Data Directive, and their interactions with the DMA, the DSA, the Declaration for Digital Rights and the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation. The event also shed light on the geopolitical aspects of the EU Data Strategy and the economic impact of data-driven innovation in Europe, including the role of SMEs in the integration of this EU Data Strategy. Furthermore, the discussion looked at the specific case applications of the strategy in the health sector through the European Health Data Space.
Here the output report of the event.