Chapter 1 provides an overview of the current state of data-driven innovation (DDI) across Europe. DDI forms a key pillar in the 21st century sources of growth. According to the OECD, in 2017, the global data traffic per month reached 120 exabytes (billion gigabytes), about 70 times the traffic existing in 2005. Mobile phones continue to be the largest category of connected devices, however, in 2018 they are expected to be surpassed by IoT (connected cars, machines, utility meters, remote metering, consumer electronics), forecasted to increase at a CAGR of 23% from 2015 to 2021. The data market value is expected to increase from the current €59.5 billion to approximately €80 billion, with the UK, Germany, France and Italy accounting for 62% of the total and manufacturing and financial services the largest and fastest-growing industries.
Year: 2018
N° of pages: 108
Authors: Silvia Compagnucci, Stefano da Empoli and Maria Rosaria Della Porta.